Missing Teeth


We take a 3D image of the jaws, map important structures, and virtually place your specific implant. Then we overlay your Cerec digital impression with your final crown over the 3D image to place your implant perfectly. This in turn is then sent to Germany to make a stint to place your implant perfectly in that designed spot.

What does this mean to you? All the work is done virtually so that appointment of the placement of the implant is done in about forty minutes Really! It is about as easy to place an implant as doing a filling. Not only that but restoring the implant is as easy as Cerec Same Day Crowns.

Cerec Same Day Crowns

Using state of the art technology we take a digital impression of the tooth, design, and make the crown the same day. No messy impressions, one appointment, and no having to come back!

Sedation Dentistry

Using state of the art technology we take a digital impression of the tooth, design, and make the crown the same day. No messy impressions, one appointment, and no having to come back!You take a pill the night before your appointment to help you get a good night sleep. The next morning, we administer medicine and laughing gas during treatment while monitoring your vitals to further insure a safe and comfy environment. The care is done and the next thing you know your home and resting easy.

Immediate Dentures, Partial & Complete

Yes, we do immediate dentures! We take impressions and have the denture made before surgery then deliver the denture the day of surgery so you will not be without teeth or your beautiful smile!

Contact Us

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Our Location

1327 Iroquois Drive Madison, IN 47250

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm





